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Speak Life with Taylor Nichols

Nov 24, 2020

With everything going on in the world today, many of us can be scared to hope or even think about the future. In wrestling with these feelings in our own lives throughout COVID we’ve come to understand how important it is to continue dreaming and holding onto hope, even in the midst of uncertainty. Today we want to...

Nov 17, 2020

There are so many times that we fail to reach out and connect because of fear. On today’s episode, Lindsey Nobles helps us understand the value of stepping outside of our comfort zone, especially when it’s toward people in a different season of life in order to develop more meaningful connections. We talk...

Nov 10, 2020

Dave and I are picking back up with a discussion on marriage as part of our COVID Reflections mini-season. It's been 16 years of REAL LIFE together. If I'm honest, I thought those years would have better prepared us to handle 2020 with more grace. Instead, the pandemic has highlighted the beautifully messy parts of...

Nov 3, 2020

As many of us hit the polls today, I wanted to do a special episode that highlights the need for unity in such a time as this. Although this is not a political or a religious podcast, it is one dedicated to learning from one another as we navigate tensions in our lives. With that in mind, I felt a heart tug to speak...

Oct 20, 2020

We have talked a lot about the tension many have felt in the wake of COVID-19 and today we take that conversation a step further, talking with Anita Lacksman as she shares her family's firsthand experience of contracting COVID-19 at the very beginning of the pandemic. Married to a Doctor, having access to...